Smart Flexible Packaging
Quality Ice Bags

Modern Ice selected Smart Flexible Packaging as a strategic partner because their team develops and extrudes highly specialized polyethylene films of the highest quality.

Modern Ice understands the impact that bag quality has on the equipment it runs on, distribution, and your brand.

About Smart Flexible Packaging

Smart Flexible Packaging’s experience, expertise, and dedication to the packaged ice industry is evident throughout their state-of-the-art plant built specifically to serve the packaged ice industry.  Their quality processes create bags with a unique clarity, tensile strength, and durability in extreme temperatures to increase throughput, decrease downtime, and increase profits for packaged ice clients.

Smart Flexible Packaging understands the importance of a client’s brand. Smart Flexible Packaging uses the highest quality inks and color matching to product bags with exact color-matching so your brand is consistent.

Features & Benefits

  • Increase brand recognition with exact color match, quality print and custom logos
  • Designed for your packaging equipment to decrease downtime
  • Increase profits due to less downtime, breakage, and product loss
  • Quality poly improves work environments by reducing fumes and smoke from heat sealers
